Anyone have a clue what happened to E-31 yesterday? I came home from work in the evening and there was the big wrecker out front of E-31 and they were pulling everything off and putting it on E-32 (another Seagrave)
Of course I didn't have a camera with me and was pressed for time, I would have liked to have got one of the wrecker for the collection.
Normally I would bother asking about something like this but living a block away, E-31 was the engine that got me interested in taking fire truck photos, so I am wondering just a little more than normal.
Here's a shot of it July 22, 2006 working a apartment fire at 36th and Ellicott St NW.
Thanks in advance
Of course I didn't have a camera with me and was pressed for time, I would have liked to have got one of the wrecker for the collection.
Normally I would bother asking about something like this but living a block away, E-31 was the engine that got me interested in taking fire truck photos, so I am wondering just a little more than normal.
Here's a shot of it July 22, 2006 working a apartment fire at 36th and Ellicott St NW.
Thanks in advance