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Fallon, Nevada & Rattlesnake, Colorado Engines
These were made by Darley, just 10 miles from me. Every so often I drive through the lot there and look at the rigs. I have several friends who work there as well. When these were being built, I had the pleasure of watching their build progress. These rigs were huge! Two remote control deck guns? That was unheard of in 1994. 1500 and 2000 GPM pumps were considered a waste, too big they said. Lots of things on these rigs that were oddities back then have become fairly common nowadays.
Jason Knecht
Fire Inspector
Township Fire Dept., Inc.
Eau Claire, WI


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RE: Fallon, Nevada & Rattlesnake, Colorado Engines - by Dickey - 07-22-2018, 03:57 AM

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