[quote name='dcfireman' date='02 February 2010 - 07:44 PM' timestamp='1265156666' post='361823']
Reserve Engine 89 (S-124), 2000 E\-One Cyclone II, on the hydrant, 25th and Perry St, NE.
Jan. 22, 2010
I am curious about the DC Reserve Engines. I imagine whichever company is using one still goes by their normal radio designator? If that is the case, has it ever caused confusion on a large incident fireground to see an "Engine Co. 87" that is actually running as Engine Co. 30 (just as an example)? Thanks!
Reserve Engine 89 (S-124), 2000 E\-One Cyclone II, on the hydrant, 25th and Perry St, NE.
Jan. 22, 2010
I am curious about the DC Reserve Engines. I imagine whichever company is using one still goes by their normal radio designator? If that is the case, has it ever caused confusion on a large incident fireground to see an "Engine Co. 87" that is actually running as Engine Co. 30 (just as an example)? Thanks!
Paul Edwards
Contributor - Fire & EMS Virginia Magazine
Dispatcher - Virginia Fire Net (VFN102)
Contributor - Fire & EMS Virginia Magazine
Dispatcher - Virginia Fire Net (VFN102)