Up until 1980, 100’ 1 ½” standpipe rolls were carried in a canvas bag, sort of like a paperboy’s sack. A company would race to the fire floor and throw the roll from a window, whereupon a wagon driver would attach them to a preconnected 1 ½” line. After the Hahns came in, the standpipe bags were discarded in favor of standpipe racks, where 100’ of 1 ½” and all accouterments were held together with canvas straps and Velcro, draped over the motor cowling. This lead to the tactic of running a 350’ into a building as far as it could go, then extending it with a rack. Even cheap double jacket hose has a burst pressure of 1200 PSI, an acceptance test pressure of 800 PSI, a service test of 400 PSI. Any pump is good for 300 PSI. DCFD could then stretch lines from here to Sunday.
Kevin Byrne