The new millennium came in with a roar for the DCFD. Five more new trucks went on the street in 2000: one completely rebuilt and four more Seagrave TT06DA 100’ ladder trucks.
Kicking off the year 2000, Pierce rebuilt shop serial S-371 (Pierce #11744TR), the 1981 Hahn/LTI, for $370,000. Interestingly, it cost $267,000 new. However, it is a 2000 truck; the money was well spent. The Pierce Dash went initially to T-10, then T-07, and finally T-15 before going to reserve in 2006. Unfortunately, the aerial ladder failed inspection (ResQguy post #617) and the truck is in the FD warehouse on Gallatin St. NW awaiting resolution. August 11, 2001 photo at the Training Academy
Kevin Byrne