The next truck, S-395 (Seagrave 76336) went in service with Truck Co. 11. DC specifies aerials built for rapid deployment and ease of operation. They have a 250 lb. tip load, allowing a single set of A-frame stabilizers for safe use, and go into service quickly. In addition to the 40’ water tower arrangement, each truck carries a ladder pipe assembly mounted in front of the tiller cage on the driver’s side. 100’ of 3” hose, pre-connected to the ladder pipe, is loaded in a trough atop the trailer alongside the aerial. All ladder pipes have 1 ½” tips (600 GPM), but, of course, may be changed to anything. August 14, 2002 photo, looking north in the 6100 block of Georgia Ave NW below Rittenhouse.
Kevin Byrne