(1 of 5) 09-10-07
A Local Alarm was struck for a truck on fire in the 3rd Street Tunnel, unknown direction; Engine 6 and Truck 4 responded southbound; Engine 7 and Truck 10 respond northbound; Engine 16 responded as water supply (2-piece company), along with Air Unit 1 and Battalion 6.
Due to hydrants being out of service the day of the alarm, the DCFD was using an All the Kings Horses and All the Kings Men response of three engines, two trucks, an air unit and chief for vehicle fires in the downtown tunnels. Luckily, the van in question was up on the Southeast-Southwest Freeway near an exit for the 3rd St. tunnel and not in the tunnel itself.
The defensive posture of the hand lines was due to exploding nail gun ammunition and a white-blazing magnesium instrument panel, common to newer GMC Savana and Chevy Express vans.
Kevin Byrne