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Train Photography

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Don't think I've posted this one before. It's a vehicle along the lines of the FRA test vehicle posted by TransverseRoad.

This is NJT's TGIV (Track Geometry Inspection Vehicle). It tests the rails for flaws and runs over all NJT lines at least once a year. It is equipped with pantographs to allow operation on the NJT electrified lines. When I was an NJT train dispatcher trainee I had the opportunity to ride in the TGIV. Along with the hi-rail ride I also made, the TGIV trip I made was a great way to see the railroad close up. This view is of the 'B', or rear of the unit. The other end has a huge picture window and stepped-level gallery seating to allow track maintenance people, or VIP's, a theater-style view of the railroad. In addition to all the hi-tech test equipment the TGIV also has a galley and restrooms.

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[quote name='TransverseRoad' post='324901' date='Jul 28 2009, 09:53 ']+[/quote]

Here's a link to the FRA's T-18 study. A little info, and a fuzzy pic.

I shot this picture in Middlebury VT a few weeks back

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I shot this picture in Middlebury VT a few weeks back 2nd photo

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Not atrain but a cool shot of the tracks

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[quote name='TransverseRoad' post='324987' date='Jul 28 2009, 16:54 ']Here's a link to the FRA's T-18 study. A little info, and a fuzzy pic.


Here is a better picture showing the (non-standard?) striping scheme.

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[quote name='creofire' post='324993' date='Jul 28 2009, 20:08 ']Not atrain but a cool shot of the tracks[/quote]

Believe it or not that what railfans do most of when out watching for or chasing trains, looking at empty track!
Rich Dean, Butler, New Jersey, USA

Member of Kinney Hose Co. 1, Butler Fire Dept. since 1973, Fire Police Officer since 2000

Dispatcher at Butler Police Communications from March 1975 to July 2009

Secretary of North Jersey Volunteer Firemen's Association since 1980

Member of Tri-Boro First Aid Squad (volunteer ems) since 2000 as a driver

Member of many Yahoogroups, owner of some such as:

[post="0"]FirematicEvents Yahoogroup[/post]the place to for listing and discussion of any event by a public safety organization.

[post="0"]RailfanEvents Yahoogroup[/post]

[post="0"]Railpics Yahoogroup[/post]
Back in March the South Shore Line, the country's last interurban commuter railroad between Chicago and South Bend, IN put in service 14 new bilevel gallery cars for use on its rush hour trains. The cars each have 111 seats and the shells were constructed in Japan while everything else by GE.

[Image: P4242834.JPG]
Jamie Joyce

IND048 [url=""][/url]

My railroad site [url=""][/url]
A few weeks ago myself, my wife and two grown boys visited the Denver - Colorado Springs area. Here are some pics of the Colorado Rail Road Museum. First up is this MASIVE beast.

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Another beast.


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A vintare rotery blower.


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Another picture of the rotary with myself and my brother in fronnt to give yous a realative size of the blades. We are both 6' plus and I am the good looking one on the left.


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Great pics Tim, looks like you had a nice vacation with sme fairly decent weather too.
I spotted this mini locomotive in Seattle, on Nickerson Street along the ship canal near some fish processing warehouses. I couldn't get any info on it, except that it's a Plymouth. I wonder how old it is. Any ideas?

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[quote name='TransverseRoad' post='332876' date='Aug 30 2009, 00:18 ']I spotted this mini locomotive in Seattle, on Nickerson Street along the ship canal near some fish processing warehouses. I couldn't get any info on it, except that it's a Plymouth. I wonder how old it is. Any ideas?[/quote]

Built in 1943. Did a Google search for Plymouth locomotive Seattle and came up with this site: [url=""][/url] Scroll down to the fourth to last row. Two photos side by side in middle for Coastal Transportation PLy ML-35T, looks like the one that you photographed.
[quote name='grumpyFF' post='332878' date='Aug 29 2009, 21:47 ']Built in 1943. Did a Google search for Plymouth locomotive Seattle and came up with this site: [url=""][/url] Scroll down to the fourth to last row. Two photos side by side in middle for Coastal Transportation PLy ML-35T, looks like the one that you photographed.[/quote]

Hey, you nailed it, thanks for tracking that down. I'm thinking it was built to be used in the war effort, possible at the Boeing manufacturing plants.
Good old Metra, In back og the Old Worth Fire station, IL

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