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FDNY New pumpers.........
Good luck brothers.... Hope whatever they come up with can handle the streets of NY.... Hate to see Seagrave go away, if I had it my way the Old Mack CF's would make a comeback...
Jim Kay

Retired Firefighter/Paramedic

Fire Historian

Fire Buff

it is really funny how one guy using three different screen names on three different bulletin boards could stir up this much crap. all of this came from one person and mushroomed. not really sure if they know how much of a problem this has caused in real life way beyond the buff world, or if they really care. might they get the contract tomorrow, this week, next week, next month, maybe. but until an official announcement came, he should not have said anything. you would think an announcement this big for the vendor would be on their website immediately. 3 days later not there-because it never happened...but a whole mess of problems has been opened up. good job on the scoop!
IMHO.....if it starts,drives and pumps I could not care what is on the name plate!
Mike, I agree completely. I couldn't believe how many people have blindly accepted what's been posted without seeing anything in writing from either the winning manufacturer or the NYC government.
Taylor Goodman
Captain - Henrico County (VA) Division of Fire
Fire Chief - Huguenot VFD, Powhatan, VA
I think that the majority of things here as well as on some if the other sites are usually fairly accurate... particularly when it comes to the most documented dept. In the world. When something like that is reported here I have far more faith in its validity than when something is reported or unreported for that matter in my local rag... its really not that far fetched... the overall opinion on orders of such magnitude is that if its reported here its probably acurate. Not to mention the are members here from that job that didnt refute a thing.. one more reason to buy into it.. why would people feel the need to waste time cross referencing what they thought was fact.
[quote name='' timestamp='1335362024' post='482931']

it is really funny how one guy using three different screen names on three different bulletin boards could stir up this much crap. all of this came from one person and mushroomed. not really sure if they know how much of a problem this has caused in real life way beyond the buff world, or if they really care. might they get the contract tomorrow, this week, next week, next month, maybe. but until an official announcement came, he should not have said anything. you would think an announcement this big for the vendor would be on their website immediately. 3 days later not there-because it never happened...but a whole mess of problems has been opened up. good job on the scoop!


Mike, in many ways the internet has just made a few million more washwomen. I get the emails from FDNY on Yahoo and some yahoo (pun intended) HAD to be the first to release Lt. Rich Nappi's name BEFORE the job did officially. Pissed a lot of people off (like here) and it seems today that everyone has to be the first, common sense and decency be damned. So be it fire apparatus, or a LODD name to release, or to just be an asshole, we now have the internet to spread rumors faster and any gaggling group of women ever could. Saw some HFD guys at the funeral, didnt get a chance to say hello to them

Stay safe, Brothers.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='smketrfdny' timestamp='1335393001' post='482999']

Mike, in many ways the internet has just made a few million more washwomen. I get the emails from FDNY on Yahoo and some yahoo (pun intended) HAD to be the first to release Lt. Rich Nappi's name BEFORE the job did officially. Pissed a lot of people off (like here) and it seems today that everyone has to be the first, common sense and decency be damned. So be it fire apparatus, or a LODD name to release, or to just be an asshole, we now have the internet to spread rumors faster and any gaggling group of women ever could. Saw some HFD guys at the funeral, didnt get a chance to say hello to them

Stay safe, Brothers.


I don't think we can relate releasing false information about an apparatus contract and the death of a fellow firefighter. I agree 100% that no one should be releasing any info on the death of any body from any department until there department does it officially, anyone who feels the need to be the first to release that kind of info is an ....hole in my book! But I don't think that releasing info on fire truck contracts is that detrimental, if it's that big a secret than no one outside of the people involved in the bidding process should be getting any of the info until something official is announced. But I agree that I would say the majority of what I have gotten has usually turned out to be true information.

Just my opinion....
[quote name='RagsCo4' timestamp='1335394873' post='483003']

I don't think we can relate releasing false information about an apparatus contract and the death of a fellow firefighter. I agree 100% that no one should be releasing any info on the death of any body from any department until there department does it officially, anyone who feels the need to be the first to release that kind of info is an ....hole in my book! But I don't think that releasing info on fire truck contracts is that detrimental, if it's that big a secret than no one outside of the people involved in the bidding process should be getting any of the info until something official is announced. But I agree that I would say the majority of what I have gotten has usually turned out to be true information.

Just my opinion....


I think you can. You missed the point, which was whether is was a LODD or what apparatus what dept is purchasing, or what color panties the Kardashian tramps are wearing, someone gets their jollies just having to be the first to report it. The 'give myself a pat on the back, for now I'm an internet hero' syndrome. Be it true, trivial or just lacking common decency.

The common thread is that someone has to be the first to release any info, be it any of the above. Doesn't matter how trivial or a name or contract not offically released yet, or whatever it may be.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='smketrfdny' timestamp='1335403535' post='483048']

I think you can. You missed the point, which was whether is was a LODD or what apparatus what dept is purchasing, or what color panties the Kardashian tramps are wearing, someone gets their jollies just having to be the first to report it. The 'give myself a pat on the back, for now I'm an internet hero' syndrome. Be it true, trivial or just lacking common decency.

The common thread is that someone has to be the first to release any info, be it any of the above. Doesn't matter how trivial or a name or contract not offically released yet, or whatever it may be.


I got the point, and I agree that there are people who get there jollies off spilling the info first so they can be called any internet hero! But I still don't think you can say that you can compare the two things, releasing info about the death of anyone before the department officially does is way worse than saying that FDNY is buying KME over the Ferrara or Seagrave.
Unless they retract or reject the contract, joining a spec committee now will be useless for this order. The specs were already written and already approved by someone in the FDNY. Then released for bid. 3 companies bid and now, unless the bids are all rejected and/or the contract cancelled, the people in charge at the FDNY will have to chose 1 of the 3 bidders to manufacture these 91 pumpers. Doesnt have to be KME cause they were lowest but they have to choose which company will give the firefighters and taxpayers the most value for the money per unit. As long as KME meets the spec closest and there are few to no exceptions, theres no reason to believe they wont get this contract, so long as the process moves forward without cancellation. If they bankrupt themselves for bidding to low, thats nobodies fault but their own. Im willing to bet youll see a decision made sooner rather than later on this, one way or another.
<p class="bbc_center">Kevin White

Fireground Photographer
[quote name='' timestamp='1335362024' post='482931']

it is really funny how one guy using three different screen names on three different bulletin boards could stir up this much crap. all of this came from one person and mushroomed. not really sure if they know how much of a problem this has caused in real life way beyond the buff world, or if they really care. might they get the contract tomorrow, this week, next week, next month, maybe. but until an official announcement came, he should not have said anything. you would think an announcement this big for the vendor would be on their website immediately. 3 days later not there-because it never happened...but a whole mess of problems has been opened up. good job on the scoop!


Thanks! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />
Eli Gill - [url="http://10-75.Net"]10-75.Net[/url]
[quote name='FDNY 10-75' timestamp='1335763562' post='483547']

Thanks! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />


I was going to say something but never mind, I'm not going to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
John Galla, at is reporting that KME has been awarded the FDNY contract. Finalisation involves acceptance of FDNY's warranty requirements.
[quote name='cml0774' timestamp='1330552607' post='476235']

Seagrave bid $750,000Ferrara in the $600's KME $550,000


Not sure who came up with these figures but I just saw something on another website that seems a little more realistic as far as pricing goes:

KME was $699,000 per rig

Ferrara was $725,000 per rig

Seagrave was $845,000 per rig

Each rig comes with a 5 yr bumper to bumper warranty

Hearing word in firehouse right now that KME has officially been awarded the bid.
How have they worked out in philly . I know LA uses them but philly streets and winters are a bit different . And theyve been sticking with them .. fair to say its a decent comparrison ... im sure the boys in philly have a few companies that run .....
Anyone know what the hang up is on awarding the contract?
Just checking to see if there is any movement on the contract.
I believe it has been put out for rebid. No reason given in the information I read about it.
[quote name='RM7317' timestamp='1344467092' post='494574']

I believe it has been put out for rebid. No reason given in the information I read about it.


We are in the middle of having a KME built for us and we were told it is going to take a while because they are building the FDNY rigs.
if they are building them the cart is way ahead of the horse. bid has not been awarded. lets jump ahead and suppose they did get it, the scenario you described is exactly what will happen. their bread and butter sales to small departments will have to wait in line. and those sales will go elsewhere. and then the warranty issues begin on the big city rigs. and then the company goes down the drain. ALF 1985... Ward 79 1990... why KME would want the headache of dealing with the issues that occur with the warranty is beyond me. I guess nobody from Nesquehoning has ever driven the streets of NYC. the rigs in LA will last 30 years because the streets are glass smooth. the streets of NYC outside Manhattan look like the B-17's just made a bombing run, and that alone beats the hell out of the rig. not to mention the Winter conditions.


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