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Chicago Fire Department
Truck 44

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Jamie Joyce

IND048 [url=""][/url]

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Engine 55

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Jamie Joyce

IND048 [url=""][/url]

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I always thought E55 was a cool firehouse...the nieghborhood, close to the street, etc.

Actually, there is a guy here at StLFD I know that was on Chicago for a while and assigned to E55 back in the day when they still used 3/4 boots!
[quote name='StLFF34' date='26 September 2010 - 09:04 AM' timestamp='1285505078' post='404539']

I always thought E55 was a cool firehouse...the nieghborhood, close to the street, etc.

Actually, there is a guy here at StLFD I know that was on Chicago for a while and assigned to E55 back in the day when they still used 3/4 boots!


LOL, Chicago used hip boots up till 2007 !!

On another note, I've been listening to Chicago FD online scanner the past few weeks, have a couple questions:

I hear the Trucks doing medical runs (alot) how are those "Ambulance assists" dispatched ? If a double company, does Engine get assigned 1st, then Truck goes on the next up run ? (rotate between the 1st dues) ??

And, (Steve?) why does the on scene company give the direction they are facing ? ie: "Truck-47 is on scene 200 Main st, Northbound" ?

[quote name='R1SmokeEater' date='26 September 2010 - 09:23 AM' timestamp='1285509837' post='404541']

LOL, Chicago used hip boots up till 2007 !!

On another note, I've been listening to Chicago FD online scanner the past few weeks, have a couple questions:

I hear the Trucks doing medical runs (alot) how are those "Ambulance assists" dispatched ? If a double company, does Engine get assigned 1st, then Truck goes on the next up run ? (rotate between the 1st dues) ??

And, (Steve?) why does the on scene company give the direction they are facing ? ie: "Truck-47 is on scene 200 Main st, Northbound" ?



First in companies give their direction of travel at fire scenes so the next in companies can come in from the other direction, for better apparatus placement.

"Ambulance Assists" are dispatched to fire companies via their alarm terminals in the firehouse, and ambulances are dispatched on the air on the EMS frequencies.
Jamie Joyce

IND048 [url=""][/url]

My railroad site [url=""][/url]
[quote name='StLFF34' date='26 September 2010 - 08:04 AM' timestamp='1285505078' post='404539']

I always thought E55 was a cool firehouse...the nieghborhood, close to the street, etc.


I've always enjoyed visiting 55's house, that I'm afraid to admit it has been so long since I visited last they were still using the old Ford C engine and Seagrave truck!

Not to mention they have awesome T shirts for sale, I just had to buy one for myself.
Jamie Joyce

IND048 [url=""][/url]

My railroad site [url=""][/url]
[quote name='Jamie' date='25 September 2010 - 11:27 PM' timestamp='1285470425' post='404534']

Truck 44


How many Pirece trucks does Chicago operate??

From what I can see of this ride, it looks good.
John Hinant
Retired Member of Richmond VA Fire Bureau

October 25, 1858 - October 25, 2020 = 162 years old
The sixth oldest paid, documented, Fire Department in the United States
First established in 1782

"In God We Trust - All Others We Take For Granted"
[quote name='Jamie' date='26 September 2010 - 01:26 PM' timestamp='1285520782' post='404579']

First in companies give their direction of travel at fire scenes so the next in companies can come in from the other direction, for better apparatus placement.

"Ambulance Assists" are dispatched to fire companies via their alarm terminals in the firehouse, and ambulances are dispatched on the air on the EMS frequencies.


Thanx for the 1st part, what I meant about the EMS runs was, what determines what company goes on it (in a double house) does the Engine go the first Ambu Assist, then Truck will take next one, then Engine on one after that (rotate between the 1st due Co's if both available) or does one Company have it for the month on rotation, etc- just trying to figure it out from listening...

On my job, similiar to NYC, the Engines do the 1st responder runs- NO Trucks (as I think it should be, my opinion)unless a Truck "stumbles" apon one.
[quote name='R1SmokeEater' date='26 September 2010 - 02:27 PM' timestamp='1285528067' post='404585']

Thanx for the 1st part, what I meant about the EMS runs was, what determines what company goes on it (in a double house) does the Engine go the first Ambu Assist, then Truck will take next one, then Engine on one after that (rotate between the 1st due Co's if both available) or does one Company have it for the month on rotation, etc- just trying to figure it out from listening...

On my job, similiar to NYC, the Engines do the 1st responder runs- NO Trucks (as I think it should be, my opinion)unless a Truck "stumbles" apon one.


That depends on the medical emergency, as some companies are designated ALS rigs with firefighter-paramedics aboard, while the rest are just BLS apparatus.
Jamie Joyce

IND048 [url=""][/url]

My railroad site [url=""][/url]
Chicago now has a few ALS truck companies. There is a chance that there will be an engine, truck and ambo on various ems runs. They will send the closest ALS company (either engine or truck) plus an ambo based on the nature of the run and the closest. If there is a BLS fire company (first responder) closer to the incident then an ALS company, both will be dispatched in addition to the ambo. It sounds in most cases it's one fire company and an ambo, but there will be times to get all 3. I'm sure Steve can elaborate more, but I believe this is the cliffs notes version.
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[quote name='karl4700' date='26 September 2010 - 06:04 PM' timestamp='1285537498' post='404604']

Chicago now has a few ALS truck companies. There is a chance that there will be an engine, truck and ambo on various ems runs. They will send the closest ALS company (either engine or truck) plus an ambo based on the nature of the run and the closest. If there is a BLS fire company (first responder) closer to the incident then an ALS company, both will be dispatched in addition to the ambo. It sounds in most cases it's one fire company and an ambo, but there will be times to get all 3. I'm sure Steve can elaborate more, but I believe this is the cliffs notes version.


Much thanx, Jamie & Karl !!!!
Can someone tell me which fire houses the OFI Rigs(4-6-1 to 4-6-8 + 4-6-13) are stationed at and what year the Ford F150 rigs are? Also Does BC3 still have the Ford F150?
Firefighter - Odenton Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Apparatus Photographer - MD/VA/PA/DE

See my photos at:

Check out MarylandFireTrucks:
[quote name='Tim' date='27 September 2010 - 07:12 PM' timestamp='1285631548' post='404858']

Can someone tell me which fire houses the OFI Rigs(4-6-1 to 4-6-8 + 4-6-13) are stationed at and what year the Ford F150 rigs are? Also Does BC3 still have the Ford F150?


BC-3 is not in the pickup truck anymore. I can only assume that concept didn't go over well for whatever reason(s).

Engine Co. 18 is one of the O.F.I. houses, im not sure if there is a northside O.F.I. house anymore.
please visit my website at
Does that mean there's no OFI Office at 44's house anymore?
Jamie Joyce

IND048 [url=""][/url]

My railroad site [url=""][/url]
Jamie, i'm not sure. I thought it was Engine 44 (northside) and Engine 28 (southside), but with the new houses being build, alot got moved around.
please visit my website at
bought this slide on ebay, no info on it. Does anyone have a history on it? year, builder, serial number? thanks!


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[quote name='' date='29 September 2010 - 12:51 PM' timestamp='1285777870' post='405145']

bought this slide on ebay, no info on it. Does anyone have a history on it? year, builder, serial number? thanks!



Mike, I pulled my Mack Tilt Cab Fire Apparatus book (Malecky)off shelf, cause I knew it was in there. He has it listed as originally a 1970 Mack MB/ Platt body Co.(6 went into service in 1973) that was one of the "Flying Squads" rebuilt as HIT in 1985 by Blitz Body Co.
Why was that truck and another HIT truck painted white over red?
They were the original Haz-mat rigs. 511 was its signature. There are now 2 haz-mat rigs 511 and 512 the support vehicles are 511a and 512a
Chicago IL 1968 Pirsch Mack CF 100'


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