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Fairfax County VA
[quote name='rescueff' timestamp='1295030030' post='420395']

What are the specs of the current Foam 26?


Look up a few Posts^^

2010 Pierce Quantum PUC xxxx/2000/500B/500# DC
Firefighter - Odenton Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Apparatus Photographer - MD/VA/PA/DE

See my photos at:

Check out MarylandFireTrucks:
[quote name='rescueff' timestamp='1295030030' post='420395']

What are the specs of the current Foam 26?


I did a search of this thread & came up with a 1999 E\-One Titan ARFF rig. Not sure of the pump/tank size.
[quote name='Tim' timestamp='1295031456' post='420396']

Look up a few Posts^^

2010 Pierce Quantum PUC xxxx/2000/500B/500# DC


Re-Read my question, I know the specs on the NEW one, I want to know the specs of the Current one that is being replaced with the new one.
PA Fire Apparatus Rosters & News:
Ok I feel like an idiot <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_redface.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Icon_redface' /> .


F426 1999 E\-One Titan 1500/750/300B/500#DC <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />
Firefighter - Odenton Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Apparatus Photographer - MD/VA/PA/DE

See my photos at:

Check out MarylandFireTrucks:
[quote name='The Ahrens Fox' timestamp='1294963280' post='420256']

Hey Nate, take some advice why don't you stay in the Va. treads where you sound like you know what you are talking about and stay out

of the Maryland thred where you have "NO CLUE" of what you are talking about..LoL


You do know that the abbreviation VA. at the end of Fairfax County means Virginia,right? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/shrug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Shrug' /> So maybe you need to stay out of the VA. threads until YOU learn the area!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/stirpot.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Stirpot' />
Fairfax County, VA - "Bailey's Crossroads"

Truck Company 10 (prior to the station collapse) as a 2nd Alarm Ladder Company on Box 4502 in Fairfax City

Pierce Dash

Attached Files Image(s)
Fairfax County, VA

Reserve E\-One Cyclone II running as Engine Company 18 with Engine Company 28's water supply at a working 28 Box in 2010

Attached Files Image(s)
Fairfax County, VA

McLean VFD

Rescue Company 1 (Hazmat Squad)

Pierce Dash

Attached Files Image(s)
Reserve 2001 E\-One Heavy Rescue

In this photo running as Rescue Company 18 (Technical Rescue Capable)

At a working 28 Box in 2010

Attached Files Image(s)
Fairfax County, VA

Fairoaks VFD Engine 21-Bravo (Formerly Rescue Engine 21)

Filling Jefferson 18's house during training

Attached Files Image(s)
Reserve E\-One Cyclone II running as Engine 15 (their Velocity was OOS) along with Truck Company 38 (Pierce Dash)

Room and contents job in 15's Box in 2010

Attached Files Image(s)
Nate thanks for the fine photos as always

[quote name='Good2Go' timestamp='1295056921' post='420478']

Fairfax County, VA

McLean VFD

Rescue Company 1 (Hazmat Squad)

Pierce Dash


Great photos...A lot of diversity in just one county.

Question about the Rescues that are designated Haz-Mat squads. What special Haz-Mat equipment do they carry? Are they geared towards full haz-mat response (size-up, CPC, mitigation, decon, etc) or are they more for rescue / decon from CBRNE incidents? Thanks.
b9208 my friend, I will defer to some of the more knowledgeable county guys like Sr Fire Official or Splinterhead to answer your question both thoroughly and accurately.


[quote name='Good2Go' timestamp='1295119336' post='420586']

b9208 my friend, I will defer to some of the more knowledgeable county guys like Sr Fire Official or Splinterhead to answer your question both thoroughly and accurately.




Thanks Nate - I think I have OCD when it comes to rescues - I always want to know how they're set up and laid out...And from what I've seen and read, Fairfax has some real nice rigs.

One other question...Does Fairfax County FD have certain specific requirements that the volunteer companies have to follow when spec'ing a new rig? I remember reading that PG County does...


[quote name='b9208' timestamp='1295120789' post='420587']

Thanks Nate - I think I have OCD when it comes to rescues - I always want to know how they're set up and laid out...And from what I've seen and read, Fairfax has some real nice rigs.

One other question...Does Fairfax County FD have certain specific requirements that the volunteer companies have to follow when spec'ing a new rig? I remember reading that PG County does...




1. Volunteer purchased apparatus must meet the county minimum spec and be approved by the Apparatus Section.

2. There are 4 hazmat rescue companies that operate as satellites to the main Hazmat and Hazmat Support unit and each of those rescue companies are staffed with 4 hazmat qualified personnel. Rescue 1, 11, 19 and 26 are the HM rescues and carry a limited amount of protective clothing above structural firefighting gear, some leak and spill control equipment and atmospheric monitoring devices. Typical hazmat response is two engine companies, the closest hazmat rescue company, the hazmat unit and hazmat support unit, an ALS transport unit, BC, EMS supevisor and safety officer.

3. There are 4 technical rescue companies: 14, 18, 21 and 39 staffed with 4 tech rescue personnel each. Stations 14 and 21 have the "cave-in" trailers and tow vehicles which carry the pneumatic shores, dewatering pumps and support gear for trench rescue and other collapse operations. FS18 has the Technical Rescue Support Unit which has pavement breakers and other heavy tools on it. I don't get out to the 1st Battalion much anymore so I can't honestly say what Rescue 39 has extra.
Thanks Sr!
439 just got the tunnel unit, basically a box truck set up to support/put back together the 20 or so BioPacks it carries.
[quote name='photo5' timestamp='1295064739' post='420505']

Nate thanks for the fine photos as always



You're quite welcome Dave! Hope you're well down south!



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