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Fairfax County VA
[quote name='mnsand' timestamp='1267580574' post='367569']

Here is a photo I took of Wagon 24 from Woodlawn many years ago. Known as the Rt.1 Rocket, it was a 1971 Seagrave 1000/500. I know after leaving FS 24 it went to Station 16.

What makes this piece special is that it was the first "county" purchased engine.

As Paul stated, it ultimately went to Sperryville, Virginia. When Fairfax County desired to have their first county purchased engine back into the department, a rehabed 1983 Duplex/E-One was given to Sperryville in 2000. I believe both departments were happy - Sperryville had a "newer" engine and Fairfax had a piece of their history back.

Mike Sanders

Winchester, VA


Code 3 also makes a model of this exact rig. however if one looks REAL close at the model it actually has an older but very similar K-cab instead of the P-cab as shown here.
My brother worked for Fairfax County from 1973 until 2007. His absolute FAVORITE truck to drive was Truck 30, a 1969 Seagrave 100' tiller. 6-71 Detroit Diesel, 5-speed manual overdrive, 2-sp. rear. I have a photo of her but it's too big to use here and if I tried to make it fit you would be lucky to get any more than just the windshield.
[quote name='MrFWDSeagrave' timestamp='1295486145' post='421278']

Code 3 also makes a model of this exact rig. however if one looks REAL close at the model it actually has an older but very similar K-cab instead of the P-cab as shown here.


Not Code 3, but Corgi !!!!!
Remember, it's their Emergency, not yours !  Arrive Alive !
[quote name='Engine504Driver' timestamp='1295488954' post='421286']

Not Code 3, but Corgi !!!!!


Oops!! Got the two mixed up. Sorry.

The above link is to photos that my father took prior to 1996 via film. I scanned them into the computer in 2008-2009 enjoy the bast from the past

Does anyone have any updated photos of the construction that is going on (or has been completed) at Fire Station 412?

Brother Dave, I drove by 12 A few months back and didn't see anything that would indicate progress, but I'll defer to Sr Fire Official for the real facts. He's usually in the know.

Take care

I heard construction is moving along ahead of schedule on FS12. It will hopefully be ready for occupancy by November 2011.
Thanks Sr

[quote name='photo5' timestamp='1295964667' post='421987']

The above link is to photos that my father took prior to 1996 via film. I scanned them into the computer in 2008-2009 enjoy the bast from the past



Very nice collection of photos. thanks for sharing. My brother drove Squad 14 (GMC engine-forward, dd 6V-53 engine). Told me it could barely keep up with the wagon. Fairfax's Seagrave foam unit was one of my all-time favorite rigs. I wish more like it were made. Nice photo of Truck 8 the '66 Seagrave in the later paint scheme.
[quote name='photo5' timestamp='1295964899' post='421988']

Does anyone have any updated photos of the construction that is going on (or has been completed) at Fire Station 412?



Here are a few of the temporary quarters at FS12 and the construction site. Long way to go to be in by Nov '11


Attached Files Image(s)
[quote name='FfxCo21V' timestamp='1296413012' post='422812']

Here are a few of the temporary quarters at FS12 and the construction site. Long way to go to be in it by Nov '12



both won't fit on same page

Attached Files Image(s)
[quote name='FfxCo21V' timestamp='1296413059' post='422813']

both won't fit on same page


Bruce, thanks for the shots of the temp quarters of 12.

Do you have any timeline on when your new Velocity is due in town?
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
[quote name='Dave McClung' timestamp='1296413432' post='422814']

Bruce, thanks for the shots of the temp quarters of 12.

Do you have any timeline on when your new Velocity is due in town?


Dave, we're looking at a spring delivery. The county will have it for awhile to install radios and electronics. Good chance it will be June till we have it for it's first call. I will be the first to post pics.

Note to those that know the area of FS 12. The temporary setup is 180 degrees from the old station.

Old Truck 8, 1966 Seagrave tiller.

Old Truck 30, 1969 Seagrave tiller.
[quote name='MrFWDSeagrave' timestamp='1295487747' post='421281']

My brother worked for Fairfax County from 1973 until 2007. His absolute FAVORITE truck to drive was Truck 30, a 1969 Seagrave 100' tiller. 6-71 Detroit Diesel, 5-speed manual overdrive, 2-sp. rear. I have a photo of her but it's too big to use here and if I tried to make it fit you would be lucky to get any more than just the windshield.


Try resizing the photos using photoshop or Picasa programs.
John Hinant
Retired Member of Richmond VA Fire Bureau

October 25, 1858 - October 25, 2020 = 162 years old
The sixth oldest paid, documented, Fire Department in the United States
First established in 1782

"In God We Trust - All Others We Take For Granted"
[quote name='FfxCo21V' timestamp='1296421770' post='422828']

Dave, we're looking at a spring delivery. The county will have it for awhile to install radios and electronics. Good chance it will be June till we have it for it's first call. I will be the first to post pics.

Note to those that know the area of FS 12. The temporary setup is 180 degrees from the old station.



I will probably be in town end of May/early June so maybe timing will be lucky for me.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
[quote name='Truckman' timestamp='1296443531' post='422933']

Try resizing the photos using photoshop or Picasa programs.


Thanks. I just put them up as clickable links. Works just as well since all my fire apparatus photos are on flickr.
[quote name='MrFWDSeagrave' timestamp='1296408092' post='422802']

Very nice collection of photos. thanks for sharing. My brother drove Squad 14 (GMC engine-forward, dd 6V-53 engine). Told me it could barely keep up with the wagon. Fairfax's Seagrave foam unit was one of my all-time favorite rigs. I wish more like it were made. Nice photo of Truck 8 the '66 Seagrave in the later paint scheme.


I am at work so I can't see the pictures but I have seen pictures of the GMC conventional squad truck from Fair Oaks, it reminds me a truck I saw in a book from the Navy-Vale Fire Department. I always thought that was the coolest looking little squad truck, when I got old enough to drive I never figured out where the Navy-Vale Fire Department was and I imagine thier piece is long gone by now.


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