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DCFD Photos, old or new
[quote name='hungrybus' timestamp='1323652473' post='466892']

ResQguy, do you have any info on this unit. is it an original DCFD or did they buy it from somewhere, not use to seeing The DC units with the Verticle Stipe on the box.


It was one of two Horton Demos bought from Fesco in 2005. That was assigned to A26 for a while. I think the other one, which had a darker red and no vertical stripe or lightbar was A16. They were also the only red & white ambulances to have blue number decals (BLS) carried over from the old GSA style rigs, as opposed to the gold numbers we use now. They are both in the reserve/special events fleet today.
Kevin, I totally did not match that reserve medic up with Medic 26's former unit I had a shot of from a couple years ago! I must have forgotten it had those veritcal stripes.

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Except you have it listed as a Wheeled Coach and as Medic 26.... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/22_yikes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='22_yikes' />
[quote name='ResQguy' timestamp='1323741769' post='467041']

Except you have it listed as a Wheeled Coach and as Medic 26.... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/22_yikes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='22_yikes' />


My bad... meant to put Horton.
Here are some more shots I'll add from yesterday's trip with the Hungrybus and Tim.

First up here is 26 Engine.

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15 Truck

Does anyone know why they started putting "The Farm" on the front bumpers? My only guess would be because there is a vacant field next to the firehouse on the left that could kind of look like a giant pig pen. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' /> I noticed both the Truck and Engine now have it.

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24 Engine

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Rescue 2 was running one of the spare rescue squads.

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T 3 was running Reserve 302 Truck.

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Now sitting out at the shop.

9 Engine which is a hand-me-down from Engine 11 since they recieved a brand new Pierce Arrow Xt identical to E 12 and E 16 posted by Hungrybus on the previous page.

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Reserve 154 Engine. Forgive the pole shadow <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

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Reserve 74 Engine.

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Reserve 383 Truck stripped awaiting for disposal...

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Reserve 87 Engine stripped awaiting for disposal...

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Reserve 75 Engine stripped awating for disposal...

Such ashame the rigs these days last only 10-12 years...

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and Reserve 76 Engine xE9

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The ALF/LTI you have photographed is the same unit I photographed a few months back. It was Reserve Truck 382, which was Truck 12. I'm sure Reserve Truck 383 was probably still around there somewhere as well. It was inside the shops having everything scratched off back at the beginning of November.
[quote name='Shoop' timestamp='1323748001' post='467072']


The ALF/LTI you have photographed is the same unit I photographed a few months back. It was Reserve Truck 382, which was Truck 12. I'm sure Reserve Truck 383 was probably still around there somewhere as well. It was inside the shops having everything scratched off about at the beginning of November.


Thanks for the correction Shoop. Kevin and I both thought it was old T 8 which became 383. Guess we should have looked harder at where the number decals were removed.
[quote name='Photoguy Kurt 07' timestamp='1323747865' post='467069']

Reserve 75 Engine stripped awating for disposal...

Such ashame the rigs these days last only 10-12 years...


When you mean diposal,Im assuming their auctioned and maybe given to other depts or just scapped?
Trey White


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