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Minnesota Fire Stations
East Bethel Fire Station 3: 1 Engine was located in this Station. ( we could not tell if there was anything behind the Engine)


[Image: 089.jpg]


[Image: 090.jpg]
Forrest Lake Fire Station 2 Located in Northern Washington County, in the city of Columbus


[Image: 091.jpg]

Lindstrom Fire-Rescue


<b>-</b>3 Bay Station 


<b>Left Bay: </b>Engine, Tanker (Behind), Brush (Behind).


<b>Middle Bay: </b>Rescue, Tower (Behind)


Right BayEquipment Truck, Airboat (Behind)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
St Cloud Fire Station 1: Engine 1, Ladder 1, Battalion 1, and not sure what else just looked through windows:


[Image: Station1-7.jpg]

Sauk Rapids Fire Station in Benton County, I know I posted this already from the other Angle this is more the Fire Side now.


2 Engines, 2 Tankers, 1 Ladder, 1 Heavy Rescue, 3 Brush.


[Image: Station1-8.jpg]

Sartell Fire Station: 2 Engines, 2 Tankers, 1 Ladder, 1 Light Rescue, 1 Equipment Bench, 1 Brush, and 2 other Brush stored to the right of this building in a Former Public works building.


[Image: Station-23.jpg]

Clear Lake Station 2: Engine, Tanker, Brush, Rescue, Utility.


[Image: Station2-6.jpg]

Here is Day 2 and 3 Stations of our Trip Around last week, Day 2 and 3 were a little iffy on weather but we went anyway.


First off Owatonna in Steele County South of the Cities operates out of 1 Station with 3 Engines, 1 Ladder, 2 Tankers, 1 Brush, 1 Officer Vehicle which is actually a light rescue/Mini Pumper. The old Station is off to the right of the photo the taller building which is now the Admin offices.


[Image: Owatonna.jpg]


This is from across the street there is a memorial. and the Duty officers vehicle is showing beside the station.


[Image: Owatonna1.jpg]

Our next stop was Waseca in Waseca County which is West of Owatonna by about 25 Miles. this is when the weather started to turn cloudy.


Waseca Currently operates out of 1 Station that is Jam packed with Rigs right now, they are getting a new station which should be open by the end of the year I am told.


The new Station will go directly across the street from the current station.


the Station houses 2 Engines, 2 Tankers, 1 Ladder, 1 Light Rescue (duty officer Vehicle) 1 Utility. there is 1 FT member on at a time who operates the equipment and handles the non emergency calls as well as directs what resources need to be paged if there is a call.


[Image: Waseca.jpg]

Next stop was New Richland Just south of Waseca. they house 2 Engines, 2 Tankers, 1 Brush and 1 BLS Ambulance.


[Image: NewRichland.jpg]

Next stop was Waldorf  which was just West of New Richland and a little North.


2 Engines, 1 Tanker, 1 First Responder Ambulance, and 1 Brush.


[Image: Waldorf.jpg]

Pemberton MN North of  Waldorf We could not see what they had inside or find a member of the FD in this small town.


[Image: PembertonStation.jpg]

St Claire North of Pemberton and South of Mankato.


we did go inside however I do not remember there fleet.


[Image: StClaireStation.jpg]

Next was Un-staffed Mankato Station 3. just 1 Engine inside this station.


[Image: MankatoStation3.jpg]

Next stop was Fort Knox..... I mean Mankato Public Safety Center both Police and Fire occupy this Huge new Station downtown.


1 Engine, 1 Tower, Shift officer Vehicle, Several Utilities, Tech Rescue Truck, State Hazmat unit.


  [Image: MankatoStation1.jpg]



[Image: MankatoStation1-1.jpg]

Next stop was North Mankato Station 2. 1 Engine, and 1 Equipment and Personal Transport Van Respond from here.


[Image: NorthMankatoStation2.jpg]

North Mankato Station 1: 1 Engine, Ladder, Equipment/Personal Carrier Van, Brush Respond from here.


[Image: NorthMankatoStation1.jpg]

Our Last stop for Friday was St Peter MN just north of North Mankato. We were unable to find anyone around this station.


[Image: StPeterStation.jpg]

Our First Station on Saturday was Dalbo MN North of the cities. we could not find anyone around this town to help us.


[Image: DalboStation.jpg]

after Dalbo it was Ogilvie MN north of Dalbo.  we Found a FF/First Responder but could not get any trucks out.


in this station there is an Engine, Tanker, and Brush. Right behind where I am standing. there is another Tanker, Brush, and the 1st Responder Ambulance.


[Image: OvilvieStation.jpg]



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