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Okay here is a picture of the new Station 16. At this point and time the only rig assigned to the station is Engine 16. The Station was designed to house a Engine, Truck, and Rescue but at this point and time it only has the Engine. The original Station on Nellis is now Station 61 with Engine, Truck, and Rescue 61.


In the original plan of the new station replacing the old one the Engine and Truck would be moved to the new location and the rescue would be moved down to the Strip and become Rescue 232 out of Station 32 at the Aria. The new Chief of the Department made a change where he pulled a different Rescue and moved it to Station 32 and he kept Old Station 16 in service but changed it to Station 61. The area that this house covers is extremely busy.


[Image: CCFD%20STATION%2016%20NEW-X2.jpg]

Clark County Fire Department

Truck 61

2013 Pierce Quantum

Former Truck 16


Truck 61 is the former Truck 16 that was part of a old station on Nellis. The former Chief of Department had plans to close Station 16 on Nellis and reopen it on Washington. When he left the department the new chief decided to keep the old station in service and re number it to Station 61. It is one of the oldest stations in the Department.


[Image: CCFD%20TRUCK%2061%202016%200001-X2.jpg]

I posted this today in the Fire Ground Tread but I wanted to add it to this thread also. This is the first time that I have gotten a good photo of this rig. This photo was taken at around 4 am this morning.


Las Vegas Fire and Rescue

Truck 43

Pierce Quantum.


[Image: LVFR%20STRIPMALL%20FIRE%209232016%20WM%200004-X2.jpg]


[Image: LVFR%20STRIPMALL%20FIRE%209232016%20WM%200001-X2.jpg]

Las Vegas Fire And Rescue

Engine 6

20?? Pierce Quantum


[Image: LVFR%20ENGINE%206%20WM%200001-X2.jpg]





Engine 48 along with Truck 1 were doing a fire watch after a massive fire on Saturday, 8-October_2016 destroyed the Asian Cultural Center and heavily damaged at least 6 other businesses. I was not able to make the fire as I was at work. You can see what is left of the Cultural Center after the roof collapsed. 


[Image: LVFR%20ENGINE%2048%200001-L.jpg]

Over the past few weeks I have noticed that Las Vegas Fire and Rescue is at times running a Second Rescue Unit out of Station 5. Instead of it being Rescue 205 (like they do for a second rescue unit out of one station) it has been Rescue 103.


In looking at the Updated Station Assignments of rigs Rescue 103 is not listed anywhere. Just like I see units on calls in Pulsepoint Amb18, Amb21, Amb10, etc.


So here is Rescue 103 going down Henson St near W. Charleston. Sorry about the quality I did not have my regular camera with me all I had was my Cell Phone as I had just gotten off of work.


[Image: LVFR%20RESCUE%20103%200001-X2.jpg]

Quote:Over the past few weeks I have noticed that Las Vegas Fire and Rescue is at times running a Second Rescue Unit out of Station 5. Instead of it being Rescue 205 (like they do for a second rescue unit out of one station) it has been Rescue 103.


In looking at the Updated Station Assignments of rigs Rescue 103 is not listed anywhere. Just like I see units on calls in Pulsepoint Amb18, Amb21, Amb10, etc.


So here is Rescue 103 going down Henson St near W. Charleston. Sorry about the quality I did not have my regular camera with me all I had was my Cell Phone as I had just gotten off of work.


[Image: LVFR%20RESCUE%20103%200001-X2.jpg]
They are going to reopen the old Station 6 on Upland as Station 103.  This Rescue will go there when that happens.  Also rumor of moving Engine 6 moving there as Engine 103 and making Truck 6 a quint.  No idea when this may occur (My source is solid though).  I have absolutely no clue about the Amb units...My only thought is they are a private ambulance only type of call (maybe Metro onscene placing a psychiatric person on a hold) and the Amb designator is just a placeholder in the system.  
Hey thank you for the information
Quote:They are going to reopen the old Station 6 on Upland as Station 103.  This Rescue will go there when that happens.  Also rumor of moving Engine 6 moving there as Engine 103 and making Truck 6 a quint.  No idea when this may occur (My source is solid though).  I have absolutely no clue about the Amb units...My only thought is they are a private ambulance only type of call (maybe Metro onscene placing a psychiatric person on a hold) and the Amb designator is just a placeholder in the system.  

It is funny that you gave this information. The City of Las Vegas PIO released yesterday the story on Facebook about the old Station 6 reopening next year as Station 103. Although Tim did not give any information other than the fact that Rescue 103 is running out of Station 5 right now. Thank you very much for the heads up. I do know that Clark County Fire and the City of Las Vegas Fire are running recruit classed all the time right now.


[Image: CCFD%20ENGINE%2016%20TRUCK%2061%200001-XL.jpg]

This past weekend I went the 2016 Aviation Nation Air Show out at Nellis AFB and took the opportunity to shoot some of the Air Force fire rigs.


I got this one of Chief 1 as he was talking to some of the spectators and members of his department.


[Image: NAFB%20CHIEF%201%20WM%200001-X2.jpg]

I was also able to get these two of one of Crash 15 (Not sure what it's actual name is).


[Image: NAFB%20CRASH%20RESCUE%2015%20WM%200002-X2.jpg]


[Image: NAFB%20CRASH%20RESCUE%2015%20WM%200001-X2.jpg]

That's a P-23.

Quote:That's a P-23.
Hey thanks for the information bigjim
Here is another of the Crash Trucks from Nellis. Sorry about the photo but it was just about at the end of my range on the lens I had on the camera.


[Image: NAFB%20CRASH%20RESCUE%2011%20WM%200001-X2.jpg]

So whats is E61 running now?

Firefighter - Odenton Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Apparatus Photographer - MD/VA/PA/DE

See my photos at:

Check out MarylandFireTrucks:
I'm not entirely sure there currently is a E-61. I think E-16 moved to the new station and T-16(Quint) and R-16 stayed in the old station and became T-61 and R-61. I'm not 100% sure, but I've seen E-16, T-61, R-61 on calls and in news stories multiple times since the new station opened. No E-61. I really think Clark County just pulled the Engine to 16 for the new station to get coverage over there, but really needed to leave multiple units in the old station. The old area is much busier and it's a distance of 2 1/2 miles.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote:I'm not entirely sure there currently is a E-61. I think E-16 moved to the new station and T-16(Quint) and R-16 stayed in the old station and became T-61 and R-61. I'm not 100% sure, but I've seen E-16, T-61, R-61 on calls and in news stories multiple times since the new station opened. No E-61. I really think Clark County just pulled the Engine to 16 for the new station to get coverage over there, but really needed to leave multiple units in the old station. The old area is much busier and it's a distance of 2 1/2 miles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok when I talked with the Guys at Station 16 and the CHIEF they all said that there was a E61. I will find out for sure when I get back from vacation. I will make it a point of stopping by Station 61 and finding out. As far as I know the Chief of the Department found equipment and manpower from other areas to man Station 61. But I will make it a point of finding out. And the last I heard at least the valley portion of Clark County Fire Run all Quantums.
I spent the last week in Red Springs, NC and as my father and I were running around we went by several fire stations, but I was not able to stop and get a look at the rigs. I saw only one rig on the Apron and snapped a photo of it as we were driving by. I plan on going back to Red Springs late next summer or early fall of 2017 and will hopefully be able to get better photos of the rigs.


Pembroke Rural Fire Department

<div><span>1369 Prospect Rd</span>
<span>Pembroke, NC 28372</span>

[Image: PEMBROKE%20RURAL%20FIRE%20ENGINE%200001-X2.jpg]

Hey all I got word today that the new Smeals are starting arrive in Las Vegas.


Here is a photo from the Las Vegas Fire Department Facebook Page. The first one Posted is Engine 201. (Side note I tried to post to the thread about the rigs but it says I don't have permission to view the thread.)



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