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DCFD Photos, old or new

S-601 was repainted in 1983 – the second Stars and Bars apparatus - to match Rescue Squad 3’s 1982 rig.
Kevin Byrne

Rescue Squad 3 replaced its 1969 Bruco with this Ford L 9000/ E\-One in 1982. It was later altered by the Apparatus Division to include a window in the front of the non-air conditioned body. The first DCFD apparatus in the new paint scheme, it was demolished in a 1986 wreck.
Kevin Byrne

RS-3 with typical squad boat trailer.
Kevin Byrne

S-603, 1984

Another Emergency One squad wagon was placed in service with Rescue Squad No. 2 in 1984. Its 18’ body was of aluminum construction and placed on a Ford L9000 chassis, giving it an overall length of 28’ 11”. A 335hp 6V-92TA powerplant was used. It had a 204” wheelbase.

May 1985 photo.
Kevin Byrne

S-605, 1986

In 1986 Rescue Squad 4 received its first (last and only) new piece of apparatus since the formation of that company in 1976; a Ford L9000/ Emergency One, 29’ 8” long, and powered by a 6V-92TA. I believe this was still their apparatus when they were disbanded in 1995.
Kevin Byrne

In 1997 Rescue Squad 2 received a 1997 Freightliner FL 106 with a 1984 E\-One box.
Kevin Byrne

Lastly, Rescue Squad 2’s 1971 Bruco lives on......
Kevin Byrne

New Market, VA purchased the former Ford/Bruco of RS-2 (ex-Hazmat) for $500. They removed the box, lengthened it by eight feet, and placed it on a 1993 Mack R chassis. New Market was able to sell the Ford chassis to a local turkey farm for $500. February 2007 photo.
Kevin Byrne
[quote name='dcfireman' post='88168' date='Mar 18 2007, 13:43 '][Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=12849]

S-606, 1966 (?) Ford/Swab

February 1985 photograph shows the Ford/ Swab that formerly served as Rescue Squad 3 in service as Rescue Squad 4, in quarters at E-31.[/quote]

Chief Byrne, my records from Jack Gerhart and also the FFA rosters show this to be a 1969 Ford/Bruco. Look closely and you can see the body is very similar to the 71 Bruco. I also believe the only Swab squad was the 79 Ford Louisville.

Warren Jenkins
Nice RS shots, DCfireman- been waiting on them ! Also, DC getting around soon to replacing the current ones ?
[quote name='dcfireman' post='88177' date='Mar 18 2007, 11:55 '][Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=12857]

In 1997 Rescue Squad 2 received a 1997 Freightliner FL 106 with a 1984 E\-One box.[/quote]

I was told from a friend back East that the Freightliner chassis was donated and the box was a remounted from a older rescue.
People complaining about spam in the spam mail box... Huh, what'll they think of next?
[quote name='Dr. Stinebaugh' post='88189' date='Mar 18 2007, 15:05 ']Chief Byrne, my records from Jack Gerhart and also the FFA rosters show this to be a 1969 Ford/Bruco. Look closely and you can see the body is very similar to the 71 Bruco. I also believe the only Swab squad was the 79 Ford Louisville.

Warren Jenkins[/quote]

Just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention... I would never disagree with You, the late Gerhart, or Elie. My caption was wrong - you're right. My old photo albums had index cards with info, but sometimes the photos got switched. And my current brain cells aren't much better. Thank you - please send any and ALL corrections.

Kevin Byrne

Thanks Kevin. Great shots. Love the old DC stuff. Dick Logan
    [quote name='JFong' post='88228' date='Mar 18 2007, 16:28 ']I was told from a friend back East that the Freightliner chassis was donated and the box was a remounted from a older rescue.[/quote]

The local Mercedes Benz dealer donated a Freightliner FL106 chassis to the department, who then contracted Saulsbury to remount Rescue Squad 2's 1984 Emergency One box from the Ford chassis. Photo is Rescue Squad 2 on the scene, July 2000, incident on Rock Creek Parkway NW.
Kevin Byrne

The apparatus went into reserve in 2001, and thereafter saw service with all squads at one time or another. Photo is RS-1, February 19, 2002, on Bladensburg Rd. NE with Engine 10.


...and a year later, April 2003, again as RS-1. Could this rig be called a 1997 Mercedes/ Freightliner/ Saulsbury/ Emergency One?
Kevin Byrne

S-374, 1983

Just a couple more from DC...

Truck Co. 1’s 1983 Spartan/ Emergency One 135’ ladder. This 29-ton apparatus was 42’ huge and 11’ 9” high. It had a waterway piped to the 110’ level, equipped with a remote 1000 GPM tip. A powerful 8V-92TA Detroit Diesel (450 hp) powered the $388,500 monster.

According to Curt Elie (Fire Apparatus Journal, and Wagon Pipe renown) of the Friendship Fire Association, this was the third 135 footer built by E\-One, and the second to go in service: No. 1 went to Galveston, Texas, FD and No. 2 was a demo at the time.

Photo: June 1985, multiple Alarm at Bolling Airfield
Kevin Byrne

Truck Co. 1 disbanded in 1995, and the 135’ truck went to Truck Co. 4, despite their wailing and gnashing of teeth. Just a few months later, it was involved in a collision with Truck Co. 3 at 1st and Q St. NW as both units responded to the same alarm.
Kevin Byrne

The remaining 135' ladder was transferred to T-3 after this. Much to the delight of T-6.
Kevin Byrne
Nice shots Kevin. IIRC, that was January 30th, 1995 . I was actually detailed to the engine that day, and not assigned to L-3. Thank God no one was hurt seriously, and had it been and hour or so later, street woulda been crowded with kids.

We went a year and a 1/2 without a rig. Detailed citywide as a manpower pool. Ahhhh, the good old days. We didn't get old L-6 till June, 1996. Was nice to actually be back in service.

Those days were real bad in the DCFD, right Kevin? Let me give you this example. E-16. L-3, BN-6, and M-14 were quartered there along with the MCU, and old ambluance with tons of stuff. L-3 was brought back to quarters after the wreck with L-4 for there was no room at the shop. A short time later E-16's E-1 craps out. No room at the shop, its in the spot where the 2nd piece used to be, and they get a spare Hahn. Short time after that, the Hahn craps out.

Now the Hahn goes behind M-14. And for a few tours, an engine crewed with a ladder was relocated to E-16 for the 24 hour tour, so no house was empty. So when you look at a pic of E-16, the bay to the left held BN-6 and the MCU, next bay was crashed L-3, 3rd bay was E-16 and a relocator, and the farthest bay to the right was a Hahn and M-14. Thank God it was a big firehouse, or the rigs woulda been taken to Brandywine. 7 rigs and 7 people in the house. One for everybody if the all ran..

Keep up the good work, Kevin. Any word on who might have bought old L-11? Sure there isn't much left. It was run into the ground.

Stay safe, Brothers.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
The latest Wagon Pipe stated that they will be getting a Squad a year for the next 3 to replace the current fleet. Also 4-5 new pumpers and 2 more trucks are due in 2007.


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