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DCFD Photos, old or new

E-13’s new Cyclone II gets to show off on the Mall side of the US Capitol during a firefighting demonstration given on April 25, 2001.
Kevin Byrne

E-14’s new Cyclone II already going heavy-duty, supplying Truck 15's ladder pipe on a large trash fire at the

waste transfer facility on Bates Rd. NE, in July 2001.
Kevin Byrne

May 11, 2001 - E-32’s new E\-One.
Kevin Byrne

E-05 in service with S-119, a 2000 E\-One Cyclone II; picking up from a house fire on 09-22-04.
Kevin Byrne

Reverse angle from above. You can see that by this time the DCFD had ditched all the large diameter hose and returned to 3" supply line for the sake of speed, versatility and ease.
Kevin Byrne

Engine 10 traded in their 1996 E\-One Cyclone for this 2000 Cyclone II. Photo was taken March 8, 2001, apartment fire in rear of 1300 block of H St. NE.
Kevin Byrne

In this photo taken on 01-23-07, E-21’s 2000 Cyclone II (S-120) was at the end of its first-line use though only seven years old. This is not to say anything bad about the manufacturer; it is the nature of running a 15-ton aluminum body rig thousands of times a year.
Kevin Byrne
[quote name='dcfireman' post='121851' date='Jun 23 2007, 22:41 '][Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=20250]


Engine 30 was recipient of a ’99 E\-One. October 25, 2002 photo.[/quote]

S116 is still around and taking up space at 50 49th st NE. What a POS, I liked S196 much better.
[quote name='ResQguy' post='123327' date='Jun 27 2007, 21:43 ']S116 is still around and taking up space at 50 49th st NE. What a POS, I liked S196 much better.[/quote]

Wasn't that ex-E-25? Do you know what E-3 ended up with (S-196 or S-195)?
Kevin Byrne

Speaking of S-116 (xE-30), here’s a photo of its twin sister, S-117 (xE-22), filling in for either E-1 or E-23 one day in September 2004.
Kevin Byrne
Kevin, when did they go to the Humat? I recall those stupid, bulky Akron valves that really werent that well liked.,..

Surprised to see a Humay in DC...................
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='smketrfdny' post='123365' date='Jun 27 2007, 22:43 ']Kevin, when did they go to the Humat? I recall those stupid, bulky Akron valves that really werent that well liked.,..

Surprised to see a Humat in DC...................[/quote]

I believe the department went to the Humat Valve in 1998 with the first two Seagraves (E-27 and E-31). I have no photograph in the archives showing an Akron after 1998.
Kevin Byrne

2001 S-130 through 135

Six wagons, ordered from Seagrave in 2000, were put into service early in 2001. The DCFD returned to the two-stage pump, this time the Waterous CM 1250 GPM, and kept the 500-gallon water tanks. The previous two ’98 Seagraves had single-stage Hale pumps.

S-130 through 135 went to Engine Companies 6, 11, 17, 23, 24, and 25.

Photo: “Shaw” Engine 6 (S-130), November 26, 2002 on Gallaudet St. west of Central Pl. NE.
Kevin Byrne

Brand new “Columbia Heights” Engine 11 (S-131) in 2001 on Bates Rd. NW
Kevin Byrne

“Brookland” Engine 17 (S-132) works a 2nd Alarm that occurred at shift change, at 7th and Franklin St. NE
Kevin Byrne

“Foggy Bottom” E-23’s new ’00 Seagrave(S-133) at a car fire in Foggy Bottom.
Kevin Byrne

“The Pride of Petworth” E-24’s ’00 Seagrave (S-134) is shown working on January 23, 2007, shortly before entering reserve status.
Kevin Byrne

In March 2007, the “E-24” was peeled off S-134, and it was pressed into service as a reserve wagon with Engine 30. View is in the 5400 block of C St. SE.
Kevin Byrne

E-17’s 2000 Seagrave when fairly new……….
Kevin Byrne

Ex-E-17 (S-132) still looks good in June 2007 in its new livery as ready-reserve Engine 50, quartered with Engine 3.
Kevin Byrne


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