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DCFD Photos, old or new
DC Fireman,

Thank You for all of the DCFD photos that you have posted. It makes me regret not taking a camera to work over the years. The elevated shot was taken from the roof of 3760 Minnesota Ave. N.E. during an informative inspection.

That forest green 1963 ford pick-up (uni-body) in the south alley looks awful familiar.

You and me may be the only two people on the job from Indiana.

Semper Fidelis,

Demon Leader 4

* The Capt. asked - Hey kid, so you're not from around here, hmm? You from Pennsylvania?

* The rookie said - No sir, I'm from Indiana, and why the hell does everyone ask me if I'm from Pennsylvania???
I just got done watching a Will Smith Movie, "Enemy of the State" (1998)

In the first 15rmin of the movie (Fillimed in DC) a Hahn engine ran some one over!

You Guys from DC need to watch out! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/hysterical.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Hysterical' />

Did anyone notice the truck in this movie?
[quote name='Frank B' post='322257' date='Jul 18 2009, 15:16 ']I just got done watching a Will Smith Movie, "Enemy of the State" (1998)

In the first 15rmin of the movie (Fillimed in DC) a Hahn engine ran some one over!

You Guys from DC need to watch out! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/hysterical.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Hysterical' />

Did anyone notice the truck in this movie?[/quote]


That Hahn Engine wasn't from DC it was one of Manassas's Hahn's dressed up for the movie
And the TDA later in the movie looks like Berwyn Heights Trk.14....

Has any thing been done with S-371?? Is is still @ the garage @ 24?? Please let me know!!

"RIP" Brothers Carter,Phillips,Matthews,Robinson & McRae!!
[quote name='dcfireman' post='322176' date='Jul 18 2009, 11:52 '][Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=53743]

Engine 27 at 49th St. and Sheriff Rd. NE in the waning days of the two-piece company. The 1983 Hahn has been relegated to pumper status, trailing a 1990 Ford/ E\-One. July, 1991 image.[/quote]

What an awesome pic. Very nice shot.

[quote name='dcfdtech' post='322444' date='Jul 19 2009, 00:09 ']Kevin,

Has any thing been done with S-371?? Is is still @ the garage @ 24?? Please let me know!!

BOSS[/quote]Still a reserve piece in the garage behind E-24 - here in service as Truck 3 a few months back.
Kevin Byrne

Engine 27’s quarters in nicer weather. The wagon is a 1990 E\-One, the pumper a 1971 Ward LaFrance rehabbed by Young in 1980. The firehouse was one of a few where the watch desk was located against a side wall rather than up front under the drill gong between the bay doors. A horrible renovation in the late ‘80’s outfitted the house – including the apparatus floor – with drop down ceilings and fluorescent lights, destroying the ambience of the original horse barn. 1991 photo
Kevin Byrne

Engine 27 on Kenilworth at Nash St., running with the department’s newest and oldest Ford pumpers. July 1991.
Kevin Byrne

Engine Co. 27 lead the department in statistics for use of wagon pipes for four years running, 1991 – 1994 (and maybe beyond, but most people don’t care and the rest stopped counting).

E-27 used its two pumpers to contain over an acre of brush at Kenilworth Ave and Hayes St. NE. June 12, 1991. Wagon is the 1990 Ford/ E\-One
Kevin Byrne

The stacked tip and long stream shaper added onto a shorter one gave E-27’s wagon pipe a certain artistic visual. Note fire hydrant operated via a magnetic Custodian wrench and the Akron 4-way valve. 300 block 37th St. SE 1992
Kevin Byrne

One reason for Engine 27’s outstanding wagon pipe statistics owes to the fact it became the company’s running joke. Members would contrive situations where only a good master stream would suffice, such as this discarded mattress in the 1300 block of Kenilworth Ave NE. However, when some neighborhood kids offered to drag it someplace else and put it out, and the lady in the house offered to use her lemonade pitcher to help, the wagon pipe was discontinued and other means employed. “Wind and elevation, Mr. Sadowski…”
Kevin Byrne

Once again the world’s largest dumpster, the old solid waste transfer facility, 3200 Benning Rd. NE caught fire. The structure had a second-floor drive through ramp where garbage trucks would dump their contents into one of two massive six-stories deep, 150’ long concrete holding bins. Spontaneous ignition was a constant occurrence and the fires were controlled by an overhead crane used to dig and shift the mountain of trash. Sometimes the smoke became overpowering, the flames too large, and the FD was called.

On this occasion E-27’s 1990 Ford/ E\-One was driven into the building for a legitimate use of the wagon pipe. October, 1991
Kevin Byrne

From same fire as above: Engine 27’s pumper, the ’83 Hahn, supplied the whole show through a single 350’ 3” line. Later in the incident, with water flowing – shutting down – flowing, it became necessary to keep an eye on the temperature gauge, shown by the puddle created by cracked-open drain valves and the "small line" flowing behind the pumper.
Kevin Byrne

Engine 27 spent the autumn of ’91 weaving around the Crater Lakes, as Low Bid Contractor took nine weeks (!) to pour concrete on apron repairs. Wagon S-190 took a beating when one of the steel plates covering South Lake shifted, flipped up, and cracked the diesel tank’s outer case. At this time the Department was using “wagon only” responses and leaving the pumper and driver (at window) in the house, except for structure fire calls. It was the prelude to the pumpers’ demise.
Kevin Byrne

End of the line for one of 27’s two Hahns, the FD Training Academy. The rig was formerly Engine 17 (?), one of the three 1982 Hahns. These were the only ones to have rotating beacons on top and Mars spot/flood lights on the side.
Kevin Byrne

The DCFD was known for its crew boxed Ford pumpers. The design first appeared in 1971 with nine wagons built by Ward LaFrance and went on the become the most prevalent DCFD pumping apparatus. Ward LaFrance, American LaFrance, Sutphen, and Emergency One manufactured a total of forty-four of them for the department, 1971 – 1991.

Engine 27 received the last Ford crew box made. It was repossessed before being placed into service in 1990 (administrative errors) and finally hit the streets in 1991. On January 31, 1992, Engine 27 was the last company to respond as a two-piece engine.

S-190 marked the end of the “D.C. Style Cab”. They are all gone.
Kevin Byrne

Thank you for the pictures, stories, and the history of DCFD. Keep it coming, this is great!

[quote name='dcfireman' post='322681' date='Jul 19 2009, 16:32 '][Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=53869]

Still a reserve piece in the garage behind E-24 - here in service as Truck 3 a few months back.[/quote]

Wow my first day at Singer I helped get the trailer loaded onto a low boy and spearte the Hahn Tractor so it could head to Pierce. I remeber when it came back all new.

Now its a reserve
Thanks Kev!!!! I miss that ole girl!!! I was assigned to T9 was hoping we would get her back but we got a newer Seagrave!!! Here is a pic of what it really looked like as the only Hahn/LTI!!

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"RIP" Brothers Carter,Phillips,Matthews,Robinson & McRae!!


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