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Fairfax County VA
[quote name='Good2Go' date='02 July 2010 - 11:02 PM' timestamp='1278124964' post='390296']

Joe - Can you clarify the Engine 128 reference?



when i worked there we liked to refer to ourselves as engine 128, since a good number of our runs and fires were in the county of arlington.
[quote name='FiremanJoe' date='03 July 2010 - 07:13 PM' timestamp='1278197611' post='390463']

when i worked there we liked to refer to ourselves as engine 128, since a good number of our runs and fires were in the county of arlington.


I think I catch your drift Joe....

Not one of my better photos: Taken at a 4-Alarm 18 Box job at Yorktown Plaza - January 19th, 2009

Attached Files Image(s)
I think I would like to try that one day on the ACFD radio "Engine 128 to Arlington...." <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/feedtroll.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Feedtroll' />
[quote name='Good2Go' date='03 July 2010 - 05:48 PM' timestamp='1278192520' post='390435']

And the rear. Nicely done Arlington.


FYI - For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the photos to show up from my Flickr account - even when I cut and paste the address or URL. Can anyone help? I never had this problem with photobucket!




Hey Good2Go,

If your trying to get the photo to show up in a thread, 1. save the picture on to your hard drive. 2. when posting... click on "Click To Attach Files", look for the file and double click, as long as the file isn't larger than 200K you shouldn't have any problems.

I hope I was able to help. =)
[quote name='SrFireOfficial' date='04 July 2010 - 10:52 AM' timestamp='1278253926' post='390649']

I think I would like to try that one day on the ACFD radio "Engine 128 to Arlington...." <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/feedtroll.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Feedtroll' />


this is just me, but i think its a fantastic idea.....
[quote name='SrFireOfficial' date='01 July 2010 - 07:30 PM' timestamp='1278025855' post='390146']

First and foremost, I screwed up a wee bit referring to the Velocity chassises we purchased as Impels. Granted, the sheet metal/fiberglass is essentially the same but, the County of only buys top of the line!

As I stated in one of my previous posts, the FRD is merely the end-user of the fire apparatus owned by the county's Department of Vehicle Services (DVS). The FRD's Apparatus Section develops specifications based on needs and input from the Apparatus Committee. DVS also has input on the specs since DVS eventually has to provide maintenance and service on the parts of the apparatus that make it a "truck", i.e. chassis, drive train et cetera; the same stuff that's on a garbage truck. DVS has a penchant for Detroit Diesel products in its big rigs and since (to the best of my knowledge) Pierce is only offering Detroits in the Velocity/Impel line, our hand was forced in that direction.

To streamline and standardize DVS fleet operations, it does make a modicum of common sense to consistently purchase the same motors and related parts whether they be for the previously mentioned garbage truck or a bright shiny pumper. It's been my observation that DVS really doesn't care whether the vehicle is a fire truck or other county vehicle other than the fire truck might get a higher priority to be worked on ahead of something with just amber lights.

I really haven't heard much feedback from the folks liking or disliking them. As with any change in the fire service, i.e., putting the 111 mirrors in new whacky locations, there is some grumbling among the veterans but then again, the previous generation of old crusty veterans groused with the first generation of bus mirrors in the early nineties.

RUMOR is that the new Operations AC would like the Apparatus Section to take a step back and see what can be done to rein in the size of the rigs on future purchases but that will require some sort of seance with the Apparatus Section, Committee and DVS all singing Kumbaya together happily.

As a side note, the Apparatus Shops nee, Technical Repair and Preventive Maintenance section; work on the parts that make the truck a fire truck, i.e. pumps, aerials and after-market fabrications,


It would be f!#&ing awesome if the Apparatus Section of Fairfax County Fire and Rescue would TAKE A STEP BACK and reign in the attitude that taking a step or two back is in no way a bad thing. I can assure you that it is not. It gets proven day in and day out when we get automatic aid from those new Arlngton engines and that Alexandria ladder truck that bends in the middle. All one needs to do is pay attention to the world around you, and notice that Fairfax is not the leader it once was, because of various things we have allowed to be placed in the hands of overzealous, out of touch folks that have been coddled into believing that what they are doing or have done is the right thing.

And please, Seniorfireofficial try to open up your ears a little more. There are plenty of complaints about the 111 mirrors and overall design flaws of our newest apparatus. There is a 20+ page report on the 111 mirrors at the Massey Bldg right now that pretty much screams out that we need to take a different approach.

The only thing I can say is that most of the rank and file out there is very professional and will make whatever terd is handed down to them work. We have many talented folks in our ranks that want to take pride and ownership in thier fire dept. Apparatus design and implementation is a very easy way to accomplish that. When you leave it to one or two folks that keep most everyone in the dark over one of the most influential symbols of pride and ownership (Apparatus), then you only get discontent and a tarnished legacy. Not something to take lightly.
[quote name='Good2Go' date='03 July 2010 - 05:48 PM' timestamp='1278192520' post='390435']

FYI - For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the photos to show up from my Flickr account - even when I cut and paste the address or URL. Can anyone help? I never had this problem with photobucket!


Nate, please see that I edited your [url=""]original post[/url] so the photo will appear for you.

The easiest way to get your photos from Flickr over here is to:

1. Open the photo on Flickr in a manageable size (800x600 is a pretty good selection).

2. Right click on the photo, and click "Properties"

3. In the properties box, cut the URL

4. Go to Firepics, open your reply box, type you message and take a look at the top of the reply box. See the GUI that's two to the right of the smiley face? It looks like a picture of a tree. Click that and when the scripted box opens, paste the URL that you copied from the properties box on Flickr. Close the scripted box, post your message, and viola' - you're as popular on Firepics as you are on Facebook! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />

That should do it! If you have any other problems, shoot me a PM and I'll give you a hand.
Taylor Goodman
Captain - Henrico County (VA) Division of Fire
Fire Chief - Huguenot VFD, Powhatan, VA
Rumor from the vollies is RE421 is being replaced. Don't know its 1 of the 3 engines on order.

when I took shots of the Pierce Lance last year some time they were talking about replacing RE421 sometime this year.

E421Bravo as we now call it under the "Great State of Fairfax County's" new system will be replaced. Specs went out to 3 companies with only Pierce coming back as interested. We should know something by September, then it will be 18 months + what ever it takes the county until we get it in service.

To answer the question, why do the vols purchase front line rigs? It was pride. In a small way we were also saving the taxpayers money because the county wasn't buying them directly. In the long run, they are paying for them twice. Vol depts like Fair Oaks that do not have bingo & other fund raisers rely on donations. This in turn causes our community to pay their taxes & contribute to our dept. All of us have seen a real downturn in monies coming in and with prices going higher there will be fewer vol owned front line pieces in Fairfax Co. Get a good look at our Heavy Rescue (when it's not at the shops) it is the last one the vols will be buying.

Many vol depts do own a second engine, now known as a Bravo engine. These are used when there are major incidents and fill stations when the career staff does their training & recerts. EMS units owned by the vollies are staffed as BLS so the county ALS units don't have to run the BS calls. Again, with the prices going up, contributions down, who knows how long this will continue.

just my two cents worth, Bruce
18 months? That a god awful long time.....
Firefighter - Odenton Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Apparatus Photographer - MD/VA/PA/DE

See my photos at:

Check out MarylandFireTrucks:
[quote name='splinterhead' date='04 July 2010 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1278266244' post='390693']

It would be f!#&ing awesome if the Apparatus Section of Fairfax County Fire and Rescue would TAKE A STEP BACK and reign in the attitude that taking a step or two back is in no way a bad thing. I can assure you that it is not. It gets proven day in and day out when we get automatic aid from those new Arlngton engines and that Alexandria ladder truck that bends in the middle. All one needs to do is pay attention to the world around you, and notice that Fairfax is not the leader it once was, because of various things we have allowed to be placed in the hands of overzealous, out of touch folks that have been coddled into believing that what they are doing or have done is the right thing.

And please, Seniorfireofficial try to open up your ears a little more. There are plenty of complaints about the 111 mirrors and overall design flaws of our newest apparatus. There is a 20+ page report on the 111 mirrors at the Massey Bldg right now that pretty much screams out that we need to take a different approach.

The only thing I can say is that most of the rank and file out there is very professional and will make whatever terd is handed down to them work. We have many talented folks in our ranks that want to take pride and ownership in thier fire dept. Apparatus design and implementation is a very easy way to accomplish that. When you leave it to one or two folks that keep most everyone in the dark over one of the most influential symbols of pride and ownership (Appartus), then you only get discontent and a tarnished legacy. Not something to take lightly.

[quote name='Tim' date='04 July 2010 - 06:06 PM' timestamp='1278280002' post='390736']

18 months? That a god awful long time.....


I agree, but that is what the general membership was told by the guys specing the new one. I know they can build a fire engine faster than that.
I respect your opinion on the 111 mirrors and I sent you a private message on that subject. I think they are here to stay unless somebody comes up with another option. Some FDs have opted for West Coast-style mirrors with the Impel/Velocity cab but that option in VA makes the rig too wide to be legally on the road and we all know how much Mother Fairfax loves to be in compliance (when it's convenient?!?!)

As for ladder trucks that bend in the middle, my two cents.

I was hired in 1984 and the majority of ladder trucks in the FRD fleet were tractor-drawn Seagrave, spanning an age range from 1960-something to early 1980 something. I challenge you to park the oldest tiller FXCO bought next to the last tiller we bought and note the changes in size. Now, pull up one of the 21st century brand new tillers and make the size comparison. I'm sure the newest will dwarf the older ones and I will confidently say that anything that is gained in maneuverability with having the tillerman (so much for my PC'ness today) will be lost in the overall size of the vehicle. And for us to enjoy the features we are fond of on our rear-mount aerials (huge tip load, pre-piped waterways) will force us into the humongous category of tractor drawn aerials. The cramp angle for the steering on the RMs improves their overall maneuverability to a level where they will give a TDA a fair amount of competition and allows the officer and firefighter to be ready to go to work as soon as the maxibrake is applied.

If we want a realistic TDA, we would have to go with the DCFD spec and give up some of our capabilities.
[quote name='SrFireOfficial' date='04 July 2010 - 06:28 PM' timestamp='1278281320' post='390740']

I respect your opinion on the 111 mirrors and I sent you a private message on that subject. I think they are here to stay unless somebody comes up with another option. Some FDs have opted for West Coast-style mirrors with the Impel/Velocity cab but that option in VA makes the rig too wide to be legally on the road and we all know how much Mother Fairfax loves to be in compliance (when it's convenient?!?!)

As for ladder trucks that bend in the middle, my two cents.

I was hired in 1984 and the majority of ladder trucks in the FRD fleet were tractor-drawn Seagrave, spanning an age range from 1960-something to early 1980 something. I challenge you to park the oldest tiller FXCO bought next to the last tiller we bought and note the changes in size. Now, pull up one of the 21st century brand new tillers and make the size comparison. I'm sure the newest will dwarf the older ones and I will confidently say that anything that is gained in maneuverability with having the tillerman (so much for my PC'ness today) will be lost in the overall size of the vehicle. And for us to enjoy the features we are fond of on our rear-mount aerials (huge tip load, pre-piped waterways) will force us into the humongous category of tractor drawn aerials. The cramp angle for the steering on the RMs improves their overall maneuverability to a level where they will give a TDA a fair amount of competition and allows the officer and firefighter to be ready to go to work as soon as the maxibrake is applied.

If we want a realistic TDA, we would have to go with the DCFD spec and give up some of our capabilities.


SR, A random question but why doesn't the county let the Techs and Master Techs help spec these rigs? Who actually decides what is best for the field? And why don't we have TDAs? 410 and 429 would make the most sence in having TDAs. Just trying to understand how this process works.

As for the Bravo designator, what about an engine that was built as a rescue engine? E421B isn't really RE421? I understand why E422B is a bravo unit becouse it doesn't carry what is needed to be considered a rescue engine. Not arguing just curious.
As for the Bravo designator, what about an engine that was built as a rescue engine? E421B isn't really RE421? I understand why E422B is a bravo unit becouse it doesn't carry what is needed to be considered a rescue engine. Not arguing just curious.


RE421 was declassifed as a Rescue Engine when we took off some of the equipment. The markings were not removed. It still carries a Hurst and all that go with it, although never used, it is now just an engine. There was a time, it would go in as the front line rescue. Most likely, the new one will not have the Hurst and as much equipment. Certainly a shorter wheel base.
[quote name='FfxCo21V' date='04 July 2010 - 04:29 PM' timestamp='1278277770' post='390720']

Rumor from the vollies is RE421 is being replaced. Don't know its 1 of the 3 engines on order.

when I took shots of the Pierce Lance last year some time they were talking about replacing RE421 sometime this year.

E421Bravo as we now call it under the "Great State of Fairfax County's" new system will be replaced. Specs went out to 3 companies with only Pierce coming back as interested. We should know something by September, then it will be 18 months + what ever it takes the county until we get it in service.

To answer the question, why do the vols purchase front line rigs? It was pride. In a small way we were also saving the taxpayers money because the county wasn't buying them directly. In the long run, they are paying for them twice. Vol depts like Fair Oaks that do not have bingo & other fund raisers rely on donations. This in turn causes our community to pay their taxes & contribute to our dept. All of us have seen a real downturn in monies coming in and with prices going higher there will be fewer vol owned front line pieces in Fairfax Co. Get a good look at our Heavy Rescue (when it's not at the shops) it is the last one the vols will be buying.

Many vol depts do own a second engine, now known as a Bravo engine. These are used when there are major incidents and fill stations when the career staff does their training & recerts. EMS units owned by the vollies are staffed as BLS so the county ALS units don't have to run the BS calls. Again, with the prices going up, contributions down, who knows how long this will continue.

just my two cents worth, Bruce


Bruce, do you know what the specs on the street include, I am curious. Will it be similar in specs to the county purchased rigs, irrespective of the chassis it is built on?
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
[quote name='Dave McClung' date='04 July 2010 - 10:24 PM' timestamp='1278295455' post='390822']

Bruce, do you know what the specs on the street include, I am curious. Will it be similar in specs to the county purchased rigs, irrespective of the chassis it is built on?


It won't be county specs. When I ask who the manufacturer will be, I get "we have to wait to see who submits the bids". Most of the Vol drivers want a Quantum b/c they have driven others and like the way they handle and the room in the cab.

I will post the info first here when I know something.
Are ya atleast gonna keep the white and blue paint scheme?
Firefighter - Odenton Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Apparatus Photographer - MD/VA/PA/DE

See my photos at:

Check out MarylandFireTrucks:
[quote name='Tim' date='05 July 2010 - 08:21 AM' timestamp='1278331268' post='390911']

Are ya atleast gonna keep the white and blue paint scheme?


I hope so. It is rumored there were guys that wanted our Rescue red & white. Politics won and it's white. Each vol dept has it's own colors and this is what gives them their indivduality.
[quote name='SrFireOfficial' date='04 July 2010 - 06:28 PM' timestamp='1278281320' post='390740']

I respect your opinion on the 111 mirrors and I sent you a private message on that subject. I think they are here to stay unless somebody comes up with another option. Some FDs have opted for West Coast-style mirrors with the Impel/Velocity cab but that option in VA makes the rig too wide to be legally on the road and we all know how much Mother Fairfax loves to be in compliance (when it's convenient?!?!)

As for ladder trucks that bend in the middle, my two cents.

I was hired in 1984 and the majority of ladder trucks in the FRD fleet were tractor-drawn Seagrave, spanning an age range from 1960-something to early 1980 something. I challenge you to park the oldest tiller FXCO bought next to the last tiller we bought and note the changes in size. Now, pull up one of the 21st century brand new tillers and make the size comparison. I'm sure the newest will dwarf the older ones and I will confidently say that anything that is gained in maneuverability with having the tillerman (so much for my PC'ness today) will be lost in the overall size of the vehicle. And for us to enjoy the features we are fond of on our rear-mount aerials (huge tip load, pre-piped waterways) will force us into the humongous category of tractor drawn aerials. The cramp angle for the steering on the RMs improves their overall maneuverability to a level where they will give a TDA a fair amount of competition and allows the officer and firefighter to be ready to go to work as soon as the maxibrake is applied.

If we want a realistic TDA, we would have to go with the DCFD spec and give up some of our capabilities.


Sir you may want to take a look at advertising Pierce puts out, plus the new delivery pics. Plenty of departments get the bus mirrors or west coast mirrors mounted on the doors. Very much are they within legal limits. Why would Pierce sell something illegal? That is hardly an excuse to use on why not to get them. Misinformaton need no longer be the order of the day. Us underlings out in the field are not as dumb as we pretend to be <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />.

I believe that same arguement may have been used when it was asked why Fairfax did not get on the Arlington contract. Rumor has it that some in the fairfax ranks stated that the new arlington rigs were not NFPA compliant. Really? Again I ask would Pierce sell a non-nfpa compliant pumper? I know exemptions can be signed and such, but most are too scared to sign their name to an nfpa exemptions. Which blows my mind on a regular basis here in "pick and choose my nfpa standard" Fairfax.
[quote name='splinterhead' date='05 July 2010 - 03:45 PM' timestamp='1278357947' post='390959']

Sir you may want to take a look at advertising Pierce puts out, plus the new delivery pics. Plenty of departments get the bus mirrors or west coast mirrors mounted on the doors. Very much are they within legal limits. Why would Pierce sell something illegal? That is hardly an excuse to use on why not to get them. Misinformaton need no longer be the order of the day. Us underlings out in the field are not as dumb as we pretend to be <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />.

I believe that same arguement may have been used when it was asked why Fairfax did not get on the Arlington contract. Rumor has it that some in the fairfax ranks stated that the new arlington rigs were not NFPA compliant. Really? Again I ask would Pierce sell a non-nfpa compliant pumper? I know exemptions can be signed and such, but most are too scared to sign their name to an nfpa exemptions. Which blows my mind on a regular basis here in "pick and choose my nfpa I

standard" Fairfax.

The Arlington Rigs are 100% compliant. Thats for sure. Arlington just signed the first of 7 one year extentions to thier contract. All COG jursdictions are able to ride the contract as well.


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