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  2ND ALARM SAUGUS MA 10/29/08
Posted by: jughead - 10-29-2008, 08:13 AM - Forum: Fire Scene Photos - Replies (27)


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  My New 68' Young
Posted by: paganores10cue - 10-13-2008, 09:35 PM - Forum: Member's Rigs/restoration Projects - Replies (106)

Well I managed to sell my Ward/Young, she is going back into service in Costa Rica, so this starts a new journey with my favorite piece of apparatus ever built.

This is my 1968 Young Crusader that I have purchased from Dansville NY. She was recently removed from service where she was still the front line unit. The rig was refurbed in 86' and in 87' the Wakasha motor blew, they then put in a Detroit with and automatic tranny. Has a 1000 gallon tank with 1250 two stage pump.

The body is, or I should say was tall due to the 5" hose, I have already removed the extensions and some other items that give it a strange look. I am going to make some changes, but try to keep it as original as I can. I have already started getting prices for new gold leaf, and it turns out the gentalman I have been in contact with is the same guy who originally gold leafed it out of the factory. We have started buffing her out and let me tell you, I love imron (not sure on spelling) paint, just glad I never had to breath it. A good buffing compound and a buffer and almost looks like new.

I will be posting many pics as the work is done, and I hope you enjoy a rare Crusader.

First pic is a stop along the way to Virginia.

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  Crusin' Carolina
Posted by: Guest - 09-13-2008, 07:46 PM - Forum: Apparatus Photos - Replies (889)

Here is a few from some recent trips around Sc.

To start. Here is a truck that I mentioned in the "Mark Carr thread.

Keowee Key. They are 1 st due at The Oconee Nuke plant. This is Rescue 172. They purchased it used from somewhere up North, Not sure where? Anyone recognize her?

[Image: 000_0596.jpg]

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  Chili Dip
Posted by: Guest - 09-09-2008, 10:30 AM - Forum: Firehouse Kitchen - Replies (1)

[Image: IMG_0025.jpg]

as seen here in the bottom of that photo. this is a real quick and easy recipe for a chilli dip.

1 - can of hormel chilli with beans

1 - package of monterey jack cheese

1 - package of cream cheese

Take a "pie" sized pan that is safe to put in the oven.

Spread the cream cheese along the bottom of the pan.

Spread the chilli evenly along the top of the chilli.

Cover with PLENTY of cheese.

Bake for around 15 minutes at 375 degrees.

Its really good... and really easy.

Serve with tortilla chips... the bigger the better.

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  Easy Pasta Dish
Posted by: Guest - 09-09-2008, 10:25 AM - Forum: Firehouse Kitchen - Replies (4)

This is an easy pasta dish that I make at the FD. It can feed around 6 guys.

2 - boxes of ziti (buy wheat, its better for you)

2 - packages of sausage (I like the spicy sausage)

1 - green bell pepper

1 - large onion

2 - packages of shreded cheese (monterey jack)

1 - large jar of spagetti sauce (I use one of the chunky styles with vegi's in it)

Boil water and put in the two packages of ziti. Cook until they are al dente.

Chop the sausages into one inch pieces. Cook in a skilit with some olive oil. Cook until they are done.

Place the cooked sausage and ziti into a large dish (for the oven)

Chop up the pepper and the onion (don't cry)

Save the grease from the sausages and cook the chopped peppers and onions. Add some more olive oil if there isn't enough grease.

When they are cooked, a light brown and soft, place them in the pan with the ziti and sausage.

Pour the jar of sauce over the contents of the pan. Stir it all up, make sure everything is evenly spread out.

Cover the pasta mixture up with the cheese.

Bake at 375 degrees for around 20 minutes. Just until the cheese is nice and melted.

I have done this and added some chopped chicken breast. That was good too. Feel free to add some spices to the mix also.

I usually grab a large loaf of bread to serve with it.

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  Curry Chicken
Posted by: 68mack - 09-04-2008, 12:03 AM - Forum: Firehouse Kitchen - Replies (1)

Looking for a good CURRY Chicken reciepe.

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  New Orleans, LA Fire Apparatus
Posted by: Guest - 08-29-2008, 09:08 PM - Forum: Apparatus Photos - Replies (96)

While on vacation several weeks ago to the New Orleans area, I was fortunate enough to photograph a good portion of the New Orleans Fire Department and additionally some suburban apparatus. The fleet of the New Orleans Fire Department is completely Pierce and American LaFrance. Although the department is currently buying/leasing multiple pieces of equipment from American LaFrance, there was a rumor that they would again be purchasing Pierce; however, that was strictly a rumor. For those of you who have followed the Detroit apparatus thread, the status of the New Orleans fleet is much the same. During my trip, a good portion of the department was operating spares and very often apparatus numbers did not correlate with the station they were assigned to (I'll provide examples of this later in the thread). Needless to say, this department which we don't get to see too much from, was a very unique visit. Lastly, I would like to say a big thank you to the men and women of the NOFD for their great cooperation and hospitality.

Enjoy the thread!

Photos by: Evan Smith

New Orleans Squirt 4

2006 ALF

35' squirt


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  Dallas Fire Department Apparatus
Posted by: TacSupport1 - 07-30-2008, 10:58 AM - Forum: Apparatus Photos - Replies (1067)

Couldn't find a thread for Dallas FD apparatus after multiple searches, so I figured I'd start one. If one exists, please merge this thread into that one.

First off is this unique Ward LaFrance that sits at the shops. Don't know the disposition.


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  Call for Photos
Posted by: edburke - 07-23-2008, 01:08 PM - Forum: Photo Requests-NO IMAGES IN THIS FORUM! - Replies (5)

I need about 930 more photos for the Firepics.net Get together Slide Show

( [url="http://www.firepics.net/groupboards/index.php?act=announce&f=11&id=8"]http://www.firepics.net/groupboards/index....p;f=11&id=8[/url] )

I know a lot of people indicated that they would be willing to donate, but only 2 people have submitted so far and I've only got 3 days to put this together. Please send the images to: meetingphotos@firepics.net and include both your full name and screen name so that proper credit can be given.

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  Collingswood 1984 Alf Engine
Posted by: Guest - 07-22-2008, 08:17 PM - Forum: Member's Rigs/restoration Projects - Replies (3)

Collingswood 1984 Alf Engine 100/500

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