Yesterday I was invited to attend a rather unique event at Fed Ex Field in Landover, Md. where The PGFD held a Show & Tell of some of there Apparatus purchased in the past 7 years. After the event myself and 3 other photographers held a photo shoot, the following is The Apparatus that attended with the exception of 2 units
So recently my grandfather passed away, he was a retired fire captain and several of his firefighting items were handed down to me (probably enough to start a small museum) anyhow, found this in one if the boxes. I know it's a Q type siren just no info on it. Plan on keeping it, as it was on his personal vehicle at one point, and possibly an apparatus, not sure. Just looking for info. Thanks!
This thread is a breakout out thread of my Roadtrip: Southern California topic and will post many of the wide number and variety of apparatus found throughout Los Angeles County, CA.
Los Angeles County Fire Department
Helitanker 731: Sikorsky/Erickson Air Crane S-64F with 2,650 gallon capacity
I've gotten discouraged from posting here because when I want to quickly upload a photo, all of my photos are too big.
Any chance we could increase the size allowed for photo uploads? It's rather small, which makes it time consuming to post on here because you have to go to Photobucket or similar, upload the photo, come back to this site, and add the link. And now with Photobucket's recent controversy, it makes it even more difficult. It's currently at 200KBm which is rather small for the high quality images that many of us post. I know bandwith and storage space may be an issue, but with many hosting companies, it's not as restrictive as it used to be.
Besides, fire apparatus, the parade also included military vehicles, motorized lifts, highway trucks, tow trucks, cement mixers, airport plows and snow throwers, maintenance vehicles, communications vehicles and antique trucks.